Developing A Good Oral Care Routine

Studies have consistently shown that a direct relationship exists between a person’s general health and their oral health. The great news is that you can prevent all sorts of oral health problems with help from your dentist, Dr. Domenic Baglivo, here in our Wynnewood, PA, practice, and with the advice below.

Brush Thoroughly, Not Roughly

You should brush twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush in tiny, circular motions, making sure to brush the top, back, front, and side surfaces of your teeth. This should take about two to three minutes. Refrain from brushing too roughly and using a brush with hard bristles since these could harm your gums and tooth enamel.

Don’t Forget to Floss

The main goal of flossing to get rid of bacteria and plaque buildup between your teeth where your brush simply can’t reach. It likewise aids in preventing bad breath since done right, it effectively removes trapped food and debris between your teeth.

Check In With Your Dentist Regularly

The American Dental Association recommends that you check in with your dentist in Wynnewood, PA, once to twice yearly or every six months, for routine oral health exams and cleanings. But any changes in your mouth will also warrant a checkup with your dentist.

Use Fluoride

Fluoride has been proven to protect against decay and can be easily found in toothpastes, water, and mouth rinses.

Don’t Smoke

Aside from endangering your immune system, making it harder for your body to heal, smoking also impacts your overall health and your mouth’s appearance, causing stained teeth, darkened gums, and even bad breath.

Limit Your Sugary and Starchy Food Intake

The World Health Organization recommends that individuals limit their sugar consumption to below 10% of their daily caloric intake. Likewise, starchy foods like bread, chips, pasta, and crackers could cause decay since these foods leave behind particles that turn into simple sugars that acid-producing and decay-causing bacteria feed on.

Rinse Your Mouth

Mouthwash can also help in strengthening and cleaning the teeth as well as freshening your breath.

For Help, Concerns, or Questions About Your Oral Health, Give Us a Call

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Domenic Baglivo, your dentist here in our Wynnewood, PA, office by dialing (610) 642-0259.

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